Serato’s new versions of its DJ software are compatible with macOS Catalina

Music software company Serato has released new official versions of its DJ Pro and DJ Lite software that are fully supported in macOS Catalina. The updated software works with Apple’s new Music app, which replaced iTunes in Apple’s latest desktop OS refresh, and libraries in Music can automatically load in the updated Serato DJ Pro and DJ […]

Party At Downtown Dadeland With DJ DEKADE

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Catch Me Live In The Mix @downtowndadeland this Saturday from 7-10. Come Out And Party With Us . . .   #djdekade#djdekade #feelthebeat#feelthebeat #downtowndadeland#downtowndadeland #dadeland#dadeland #miamidj#miamidj #eventdj#eventdj #nightlifedj#nightlifedj #nightclubdj#nightclubdj #realdj#realdj #topdj#topdj #dj#dj #djlife#djlife #djing#djing #djs#djs #djingismylife#djingismylife #openformatdj#openformatdj #travelingdj#travelingdj #hoteldj#hoteldj #partydj#partydj #blockpartydj#blockpartydj #blockparty#blockparty #restaurantdj#restaurantdj #bardj#bardj #corporatedj#corporatedj


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Mixtape Monday!!!! 🚨🚨🚨 New Mix Alert🚨🚨🚨 Get Your Body Moving & Grooving With My New Mix Body Werk. . . .   #djdekadeade #feel#feelthebeathebeat #mixt#mixtapemondaypemonday #djmi#djmix #high#highenergymusicnergymusic #work#workoutmixutmix #work#workoutmusicutmusic #edm #edm #housemusicmixhousemusicmix #edmm#edmmusicmixsicmix #even#eventdjdj #nigh#nightlifedjlifedj #nigh#nightclubdjclubdj #real#realdjj #topd#topdj #djli#djlifee #djin#djing #djs #djs #djingismylifedjingismylife #body#bodywerkerk #dj ##dj #bardjardj #part#partydjdj #open#openformatdjormatdj #miam#miamidjdj #sout#southfloridadjfloridadj #trav#travelingdjlingdj #corp#corporatedjratedj